====== chain Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Execute a sys command and create output file in a current directory for a next chain command. author : Riccardo Pisanu email : rkpisanu@yahoo.it type : syntax lastupdate : 2010-01-23 compatible : depends : conflicts : similar : format tags : downloadurl: https://gitlab.com/alexgearbox/dokuwiki-archive/-/raw/main/chain_latest.zip ---- ===== Download and Installation ===== For detailed information and download instructions [[https://web.archive.org/web/20170114035347/http://rkpisanu.altervista.org/doku.php?id=dokuwiki:devel:plugins:chain|see the home page]]. ===== Applying wiki formatting to imported text ===== So I've been working the past couple of days trying to do someting Dokuwiki wasn't originally designed to do - import live data and apply wiki formatting. I've looked at about every possible plugin to get external data in, but none of them will render wiki syntax. Here is a snippet from the syntax.php (I added a new case for the oext section around line 200): ... switch ($config[$mode]['oext']) { case 'wik' : $myinfo = null; $myrev = null; $myid = null; $renderer->doc .= p_render('xhtml',p_get_instructions(io_readWikiPage(&$OutFileName,$myid,$myrev)),$myinfo); break; case 'out' : $renderer->doc .= "
"; break; ...
Here is the section of my default.php I am using for getting wiki-code text from a wget link: $conf['importwikitext']= array('name' => 'Import Dokuwiki-formatted text', 'xhtml' => array('iext' => 'tmp', 'oext' => 'wik', 'pre' => "", 'post' => "", 'command_wintel' => '', 'command' => '/usr/bin/wget -O - -i @InputFile@ 2>/dev/null')); And here is my dokuwiki page code: ~~NOCACHE~~ http:/// - Jared Meeker (jaredm@tni.com)